As long as humans have lived on earth, one of the primary requirements is shelter. The method and materials utilized were predominately determined by the availability of resources and technology. What differentiates our system from all others is the method of utilizing resources and technology to accomplish the objective. Helical piers were initially design in Ireland, in the 1600’s, and are currently used in residential construction to be embedded in concrete footings and retainer walls. In this application, they are only required to address loads applied in one direction. Our system utilizes proprietary components developed to address loads in three directions. Structural steel has been utilized in the residential construction industry, but in a limited capacity, due to the cost of materials and field labor costs to create the required connections. Our system utilizes proprietary components developed to minimize field labor and eliminate field moment connection welding. Light gage metal framing has been utilized in the residential construction industry, and the specific utilized method is defined in the AISI S230-07 (Prescriptive Method). Our system reverts to framing techniques utilized by previous generations, and in other commercial construction industries. Our system deviates from what is currently employed in the residential construction industry framing methods, however follows the guidelines defined in the Prescriptive Method.
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